About SOLA G1

SOLA G1 is a 3D Polygon Converter for Google Earth. You can make KML and KMZ file.
*This is a legacy product. There is a new version: SOLA G2. However, you might be able to obtain the best result.

Supported 3D Formats

  • Shockwave3D *.W3D
  • 3D Studio *.3DS
  • Wavefront *.OBJ
  • Autodesk *.DXF


  • Change Transform and Axis
  • Nice Convert a Edge to Line
  • Sorry, Texture is not supported

Windows Requirement

  • XP, Vista

Mac Requirement

  • OS X


This Software is for non-commercial use only and your rights in the Software are strictly limited to home, personal or recreational use only by you and not for the benefit of third parties. However, if you have a "SOLA G2 Pro License", you may use for commercial.


General Usage

Fig. General Usage
  1. Install and UnInstall
    There is no setup program. Copy and Delete all files.

  2. Select a 3D File to convert
    Select W3D, 3DS, OBJ or DXF file formats.

  3. Transform and Axis
    Idenify the Axis and Unit of 3D file as the Default. East and West is X axis [E+, W-], North and South is Y Axis [N+,S-] and Altitude is Z axis in default for convert. Default unit is Meter. If the axis and unit of 3D file is different from the default, you can change the transform in the input form.

  4. Location and 3D AltitudeMode
    Define Longitude and Latitude of the point location. These are measurements in Google Earth [WGS84]. The value is expressed in decimal degrees. Altitude determines the geometry's relationship to the ground based on one of three values. Check Line to line the edge.

  5. Convert
    Click the convert button. Enjoy !

About Us

E-CRAFT specializes in the technologies for Virtual Reality and Landscape design. Located in Japan. Our product is a by-product of our VR business. If you have questions before or after placing an order, please contact us at E-Mail Form or info@eee-craft.com.